
Differences between WordPress .com and .org?

WordPress, lunched in 2003, known to be simple, intuitive, flexible, and a high response of security updates, is the most popular content management system on the Internet. In fact, websitetooltester.com published an article saying that 41% of the Internet uses WordPress. The result of this global preference, is the increase of development of extension modules, known as plugins, that allows the developer to use WordPress in any business area.

What is the best choice for your business?


WordPress.com is a solution with integrated hosting, provided by the company Automattic, Inc, created by the cofounder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg.

This solution works by hosting plans: Free, Personal, Premium, Business, eCommerce and VIP. You can check their plans in the following link: https://wordpress.com/pricing/


  • Free plan;
  • WordPress always up-to-date;
  • Automatic backups.


  • It’s not possible to extend the functionalities of the platform trough custom-made plugins;
  • It’s not possible to upload custom-made themes;
  • There are restrictions of tools for traffic analysis, such as Google Analytics;
  • The website can be removed in case of terms and conditions violation.


WordPress.org, also known as the “real WordPress”, is an open-source software, 100% free. To start working with it, you just need a domain and a web hosting. Your hosting provider, however, can cause some limitations to this solution, because, WordPress is fully customizable and adaptable to all business types. So if you choose to work with WordPress.org, make sure that you are using a good and secure web hosting.


  • No restrictions of functionalities;
  • Full control of the theme/design;
  • Full control of the plugin’s usage.


Limitations that can be imposed by your hosting provider:

  • Performance;
  • Storage;
  • Automatic backups;
  • Security.

In conclusion, both solutions are amazing to work with, and it’s up to you to choose what it’s more convenient. If you want to use WordPress and don’t want to have trouble with web hosting and security maintenance, then go for WordPress.com. In case you want to have a more customize solutions, then we recommend you to use WordPress.org.

Do you want to know how to install WordPress on your hosting provider trough cPanel? Read our article here.

For more general information about WordPress, check our other articles.

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