Hologram Technology
What is Hologram Technology ?
Hologram technologies are the products of Holography. Holography is a technique that can do operations on 2D objects to turn them into 3D objects and the hologram technology is the product of this technique. So holograms are just technologies and they are not making 2D objects as 3D. This is one of the common mistakes in people.
Area of Usage of Holograms
The areas of hologram technology are not rich currently. But the projects from companies all around the world, show us that holograms will be in our lives in the future. Holograms are currently using by the entertainment and game sectors mostly.
In the entertainment sector, some concerts have started to contain holograms during the event. The XXXTENTACION’s “Last Concert” is published by a hologram of the artist to his family and his fans after he is dead. After this concert, animated characters like Hatsune Miku started to give concerts by using holograms. These concerts have been talked about so much in the technology sector.
Holograms also being popular in the filming sector. We started to see holograms in the series, shows and movies. That situation has been the light of the improvement of hologram technology. These series, shows or movies showed hologram technology as a huge technology. But in reality, this is not true. Because the elements of hologram and holographic are the principles of physics and light. That’s why, holograms are not complicated technologies as it seems in TV shows.
Technical areas also have an orientation to hologram technology. There projects that contain cars and similar types of vehicles. As you can see on this image :
If you’re interested in hologram technologies, you can also check other technologies here.