
5 Interesting Robots in the World

Robots and robotics science is improving all over the world and we started to hear about them in daily life. In this article, we’ll present 5 robots which are the most interesting ones in the world.

1) Jibo Robot

Well, it could be nice if one robot was arranging our day for controlling our children, following our schedule, and more. Jibo robot is designed for these kinda works in our lives.

It can recognize the faces of owners and family members and can do things like providing reminders. Even it can take photos of the family on special days.

2) Pepper Robot

Pepper may have been announced in 2014, but that’s not to say it’s outdated. It’s still an awesome piece of kit. What can it do, then? Well, it’s claimed to be the first-ever robot that can recognize and respond to human emotion. In its head, there are two HD cameras, four microphones, and a 3D sensor, which all monitor facial expressions and speech patterns.

3) LG Rolling Robot

This robot basically designed for security in your home when you’re not at home. – for example, going on vacation -. It is rolling around your home and reaches which place you would like to see in the house to show you with its HD cameras. Also, there is a pet mode of the robot which is useful for playing with cats or dogs, etc.

4) Spot

Spot is designed by Boston Dynamics and engineer-processed by Google. It is designed for operation inside and outside. It has sensors on it so it can find its way around rough terrain. It can be a good friend for some people but, in one way, it looks kinda creepy for some people but in another way robotic dogs clearly have a long way to go.

5) Moley

Moley robot is the first kitchen robot in the world. “Yes, a kitchen robot that is perfect for making homemade food without actually not cooking food by yourself ” this sentence was the first opinion about this robot but it’s not true. The system is a standard kitchen that includes robotic arms and humanoid hands that can stir and garnish food, replacing the cook. However, you have to physically cook a meal first so the robot can master how it’s done.

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